Friday, July 9, 2010

School Holiday Flatness...

That title pretty much sums it all up really! It has been 11 days since the last surfable day in Nelson and I must say things are getting rather restless. I mean of course you can go and travel to either coast but Im not gonna lie and will admit that water temperatures at least out east anyway are less than enjoyable at this time of year. A few groms including Jackson Gregory, Marco Edwards and Joe Leeper have ventured down west over the holidays with good results and the last week or so of easterly wind pattern have made west the best place to be of late.
(above) Jim Tyson, always serious under pressure.
I guess the smart people such as Nige keeley, Olin P and Q-Gately have all bailed to Indo for a stint whilst Bruce Wilson returned home to Vicco although I cant ever recall that being so warm at this time of the year either!.

(above) Jackson Gregory, rock hopping.
The alternative I guess is to just to tie weird bandanna's round your head and drive or "cruise" around the back streets of Nelson all day long and this is a practice both me and Frosty for one have been taking to a higher level. Skateboarding is another popular form of cross-training although its always only a matter of time until the fun and games becomes someone hurt.

(above) Nick Bygate's sacrificial skateboard.... silly boy.
Anyhow , check out the "club info" page for more mysterious agenda and keep the head up high as it looks good for later in the week and the days are getting longer again so its all downhill from here!!!!

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Just When you thought it was over someone grabs you by the cucumber 🥒

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